In this post, we’ll be checking out 50 of the best freshwater aquarium fish species and hopefully, you’ll find what you’re looking for. So you are looking to get into fishkeeping through freshwater aquariums… First, congratulations! Fishkeeping is a fascinating and very rewarding hobby. I have been raising fish for many years and I still learn new things every day. Second, I can tell you that you’re on the right way. Many people walk into pet stores without prior knowledge and buy fish they aren’t prepared to keep – only for them to die days later. In this post, I’ll…
Author: Adriano Golob
The Diamond Goby (Valenciennea puellaris) is a saltwater fish that is quite easy to care. It spends most of its time scouring the substrate for copepods and other food sources. Although it’s a hardy fish, it still needs a stabilized tank with a good variety of food to stay healthy. Below, check out a complete Diamond Goby care guide. Learn about water parameters, food and feeding, appearance, behavior, tank mates, reproduction and tank setup. Diamond Goby – Care Guide Technical Details Name: Diamond Goby, Maiden Goby, Orange Spotted Goby, Diamond Sleeper Goby; Scientific Name: Valenciennea puellaris (Tomiyama, 1956); Family: Gobiidae;…
The Lagoon Goby (Cryptocentrus cyanotaenia) is a very difficult fish to find in pet stores. In fact, I only remember seeing him once here in Brazil. However, he is considered relatively easy to care and does well in small tanks. Below, check out a complete Lagoon Goby care guide. Learn about water parameters, food and feeding, appearance, behavior, tank mates, reproduction and tank setup. Lagoon Goby – Care Guide Technical Details Name: Lagoon Goby, Lagoon Shrimpgoby, Bluebanded Shrimp Goby; Scientific Name: Cryptocentrus cyanotaenia (Bleeker, 1853); Family: Gobiidae; Species Origin: Pacific Ocean; Length: Up to 4,7 inches (12 centimeters); Life Span:…
The Hawaiian Whitespotted Puffer (Canthigaster jactator) is a fish considered easy to care for and quite resistant. However, the hobbyst may face some problems regarding his behavior, as he tends to nibble and tear off small pieces of his tank mates fins. Below, check out a complete Hawaiian Whitespotted Puffer care guide. Learn about water parameters, food and feeding, appearance, behavior, tank mates, reproduction and tank setup. Hawaiian Whitespotted Puffer – Care Guide Technical Details Name: Hawaiian Whitespotted Puffer, Hawaiian Whitespotted Toby; Scientific Name: Canthigaster jactator (Jenkis, 1901); Family: Tetraodontidae; Species Origin: Pacific Ocean; Length: Up to 3,5 inches (9…
The Electric Eel (Electrophorus electricus) is a fish without scales. The species is capable of causing a charge of more than 500 volts. Below, check out a complete Electric Eel care guide. Learn about water parameters, food and feeding, appearance, behavior, tank mates, reproduction and aquarium setup. Electric Eel – Complete Care Guide Technical Details Name: Electric Eel; Scientific Name: Electrophorus electricus (Linnaeus, 1766); Family: Gymnotidae; Species Origin: South America (Amazon and Orinoco river basins); Length: Up to 98 inches; Life Span: 15 years; Care Level: Difficult; Water Parameters pH: 6.0 – 8.5; Water Hardness: Between 1 – 12; Temperature:…
The Betta Fish (Betta Splendens), also known as the “Siamese Fighting Fish”, is an incredibly popular freshwater fish whose large, flowing, brightly colored tails bring elegance to the most diverse tanks in the world. Are you looking for a care guide for your betta fish? Then you’ve come to the right place! Their wild and attractive colors has made them one of the most popular fish in the hobby and there is a lot of misinformation available on the internet about these animals. It’s easy to get scammed if you’re a beginner. Bettas originate from Thailand, where they inhabit ponds…
The Threespot Leporinus (Leporinus friderici) is a fish with scales found in fast flowing rivers, very important for subsistence fishing in several regions of South America. The species is very popular in fishkeeping hobby because of its elongated and narrow body, and also because of the three dark spots in the his central region. Below, check out a complete Threespot Leporinus care guide. Learn about water parameters, food and feeding, appearance, behavior, tank mates, reproduction and aquarium setup. Threespot Leporinus: Complete Care Guide Technical Details Name: Threespot Leporinus; Scientific Name: Leporinus friderici (Bloch, 1794); Family: Anostomidae; Species Origin: South America…
In this post, I’ll show you how to set up a perfect goldfish tank by choosing the right tank size, substrate, decorations and filter. If you’ve always dreamed set up a goldfish tank, you’ve come to the right place! Goldfish is a fish originating in Asia and is known for its different colors, the most common being golden. The species is considered to be very peaceful and hardy, but needs well-stabilized environments to thrive. In this article, check out some important tips before you go out and go to a store to buy everything you think you need! How To…
Biara (Rhaphiodon vulpinus) is the most widely distributed member of the Cynodontidae family. The species is only indicated for public aquariums or enthusiasts who have really very large tanks. Below, check out a complete Biara care guide. Learn about water parameters, food and feeding, appearance, behavior, tank mates, reproduction and aquarium setup. Biara – Complete Care Guide Technical Details Name: Biara; Scientific Name: Rhaphiodon vulpinus (Spix & Agassiz, 1829); Family: Cynodontidae; Species Origin: South America (Amazon, Paraná and Orinoco Basins) Length: Up to 31 inches; Life Span: Unknown; Care Level: Moderate; Water Parameters pH: 7.0 – 7.5; Water Hardness: Between…
The Marbled Hatchetfish (Carnegiella strigata) is a unique looking and quite peaceful fish. He usually spends most of his time swimming in the upper region of tanks. The species, which resembles a leaf floating in water, is very attractive and can attract the attention of all aquarists levels, although it’s not recommended for beginners as it’s very shy and can catch Ich quite easily. In general, the Marbled Hatchetfish is a shy fish and needs to be in the company of others of its kind to feel comfortable and calm. Below, check out a complete Marbled Hatchetfish care guide. Learn…