Author: Adriano Golob

There is a good variety of aquarium plants available on the pet stores. In this article we will list the best freshwater aquarium plants for beginners in Fishkeeping. The Hobbyists tend to be overwhelmed by the amount of information available on the internet about the aquarium plants. However, they are unable to choose the right plants to start in that world. Stem, carpet, epiphyte, floating, high-tech and low-tech plants. There are a multitude of categories and each of them has specific needs for correct planting and care. For the beginners, it’s best to start with the basics. Here are the…

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Have you ever wondered what the health benefits of an fish tank are? In this article we will help you to see the positives of having an tank at home. Have you ever noticed a falm feeling or felt relaxed when you were near an fish tank? Perhaps the sound of the filter or the air pump will take you to a quiet place or help you to remove stressful thoughts that prowl your mind. An fish tank can benefit your health in several ways. A study completed by the University of Plymouth showed that people who spend more time…

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What is the function and importance of a quarantine fish tank? How to assemble it? In this article, we seek to explain some of these points. Quarantine fish tanks are usually set up when a new fish has just been purchased. One of the reasons that leads to the setting up of these tanks is that we don’t know if the fish that are coming from the store have any type of disease, since some of them take time to manifest. In most cases, fish are observed for a period of 2 – 6 weeks. After this period, if there…

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My Fish Is Not Moving! What Can I Do? There are numerous reasons that can cause this behavior in fish. In this article, we will cover some of them. Most aquarium fish usually swim throughout the tank. This occurs when they are well fed and properly treated by the owner. However, fish can be stressed in the same way as humans. Like us, stress in fish can lead to serious health complications. In general, fish are very resilient creatures, and as long as their living conditions are reasonable, they can withstand some stress. But Why My Fish Is Not Moving?…

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Can my fish see in the dark? In this article, we will take one of most common doubts of those who own a fish at home. Due to digital photography advances, from time to time, horrifying images of creatures appear on our screens. These images show how weird life in the ocean can be. In comparison to our tanks minnows, these deep-sea fish can cause a lot of fear when first seen. To make matters worse, these creatures are given scary names to match their appearance, such as goblin shark and black dragon fish, por example. See Also: How Much…

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Top 7 places not to put an fish tank! Is yours already in one of them? Read the article and answer your questions! Before buying an fish tank, it’s ideal that you decide where to leave it. It may seem simple. The aquarium location is vital to entire system overall health. Believe me, this is not just for the fish sake, but mainly for your sake. Do Not Put Near Air Conditioners Or Fireplaces Fish tanks require a stable temperature in order for fish to remain healthy. Being very close to an air conditioner, the temperature can drop very quickly.…

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How often and how much water do I need to change in my fish tank? In this article, we will discuss a little about this very important topic in Fishkeeping. In order to have a successful maintenance in creation of ornamental fish the ideal is to follow a very famous rule known as “keep the water clean and the filter dirty”. Regardless if the water is crystal clear and your filter is working properly. It’s important to remember that the water in your fish tank can be full of accumulated nitrates, phosphates, pheromones and many other by-products generated by the…

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Fish Tank For Kids? In this article we will give you some tips that can help you to choose a beautiful fisk tank for your kids. Many of us had our first experience with fish tanks as a child. Unfortunately, first-time hobbyists don’t have the information they need to succeed. As a result, they lose some or all fish, then give up and don’t try again. If you are helping a child, or even a teenager, get started in Fishkeeping, be sure to do your homework so that they don’t receive inappropriate guidance. See Also: Top 5 Most Common Mistakes…

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The Flame Hawkfish (Neocirrhites armatus) is a fish that has a reddish color, are small, strong and above all very resistant for most fish tanks with coral reefs. Thus, the vibrant color of this fish and its pleasant nature, make it a specimen much sought after by aquarists. However, like most hawkfish, it is a species that habitually lives and preys on the bottom of the tank. In summary, this species likes to rest on top of rocks and corals, ready to attack any unsuspecting prey that swims too close. This fish is extremely resistant to disease and is able…

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In this article, we will show you some of the most common mistakes for beginners in fishkeeping. When we start a project, be it professional or personal, we can make several mistakes, especially if we are not prepared enough, this includes, among others, the lack of prior knowledge on the subject. Today, we are going to list the 5 most common miskates for beginners in fishkeeping. I believe that many of these mistakes, you may have already made too. Start With Small Fish Tanks When we go to a pet store, we come across all kinds of fish tanks for…

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