The Red-Tailed Black Shark (Epalzeorhynchos bicolor) has this name simply because of its appearance. If your tank is small, it is best to keep only one specimen, as they will become very aggressive and territorial with each other. Avoid the temptation to keep them with others of the same species, such as rainbow sharks.
Many aquarists mistakenly add several of these animals to small fish tanks, and soon realize that one of them will become the dominant “shark”. The dominant will chase and harass others relentlessly. Whenever the other animals try to get close to food, the dominant will chase them away.
They are animals that can become quite unpleasant and that is why it is recommended to have only one specimen inside the fish tank, unless you can have a very large tank.
This species likes a lot of hiding places, as this helps them feel safer, and also for the simple fact that they are excellent jumpers when they do not have places to stay hidden. The Red-Tailed Black Shark will rummage the entire fish tank in search of food and usually accepts most fish feeds, including flakes, frozen, freeze dried and live foods.
Technical Details
Name: Red-Tailed Black Shark
Scientific Name: Epalzeorhynchus bicolor
Family: Cyprinidae
Species Origin: Chao Phraya Basin, Thailand;
Length: Up to 12 cm;
Life Span: 5 – 8 years;
Care Level: Easy. Good for beginners in freshwater fishkeeping.
Water Parameters
pH: Keep the pH of the water between 6.5 – 7.5
Water Hardness: Between 10 ° – 16 ° dH
Temperature: Must be kept between 22 ° C – 26 ° C
They are omnivorous. They will go after almost everything they put in the fish tank, including flake, freeze-dried and live food.
Temperament / Behavior
These fish can be hostile and are not recommended for community fish tanks with smaller tropical fish. They seem to behave better when are in the company of larger fish.
They can live with larger tropical fish, given their aggressive nature, but none large enough to eat them. It is not recommended to keep them with other fish of the same species, unless the fish tank is very large.
See Also:
Breeding / Mating
Breeding is very difficult in captivity. There is no news of species reproduction in common fish tanks, only in fish farms.
Fish Tank Size
The fish tank needs to have at least 200 liters for a single fish of the species.
FishLore. Aquarium Fish Information Disponível em: Access Apr. 02 2019.
Yang, J.-X. and R. Winterbottom, 1998. Phylogeny and zoogeography of the cyprinid genus Epalzeorhynchos Bleeker (Cyprinidae: Ostariophysi). Copeia 1998(1):48-63. (Ref. 28024)