Do you want to know which are the best fish to put in a small fish tank? So, read this post and ask all your questions!
If we look much more closely, there are many small and impressive fish available for purchase at fish tank stores. However, most of the time, people tend to put them aside.
For some time now, small fis tanks have become a craze among hobbyists of all skill levels. After all, they’re beautiful, very compact and fit into most people’s budgets. So, with that in mind, in this article I will share with you 10 best fish to put in a small fish tank. Hope you like!
What is a small fish tank?
A small fish tank should be considered something around 20 gallons or less. As small as it may seem, it’s still possible to assemble it with a multitude of combinations, from artificial plants and some decorations, to beautiful assemblies with live plants, roots and trunks.
As we mentioned before, small tanks have become very popular in recent years. They’re ideal because the equipment used is cheaper and can fit anywhere in your house or apartment.
Note: One thing you need to keep in mind is that the greater the volume of water in the tank, for example, the easier it will be to maintain ideal conditions for the fish.
Therefore, if you are new hobbyist, i don’t recommend that you buy tanks with less than 5 gallons, as they are much more unstable and, therefore, more difficult to maintain their parameters. So, try to acquire an aquarium with at least 20 gallons to start in the right way in the hobby.
After checking out these tips, then let’s go to the list with the 10 best fish to put in a small fish tank.
10 Best Fish to Put in a Small Fish Tank
1. Betta Fish (Betta Splendens)

Size: up to 7 inch;
Fish Tank Size: 5 gallon;
Care Level: Easy;
Temperament: Aggressive, males should be kept alone;
Temperature: 75 – 86 °F;
pH: 6.0 – 8.0;
We can’t start this fish list for a small tanks without mentioning Bettas, because they’re the most abused fish of all. With all the certainty in the world, you must have seen these little guys in small bowls with just over 1 gallon of water.
If you’ve come this far and are looking for a fish for a small tank, the betta might be the perfect little fish! Contrary to what many think, bettas also need environments with reasonable filtration, as well as a heater to heat the water and the right parameters to live happy and healthy.
Does the betta lives alone or in groups?
The male betta fish, that is, the one with large fins, should always be kept alone in the tank. However, in the case of females, those with larger bodies and smaller fins, you can easily keep a group of 3 or more specimens.
See Also:
2. Neon Tetra (Paracheirodon Innesi)

Size: up to 1,5 inch;
Fish Tank Size: 10 gallon;
Care Level: Moderate;
Temperament: Peaceful;
Temperature: 68 – 78 °F;
pH: 5.0 – 7.0;
Like bettas, the Neon Tetra is another very popular fish in the aquarium world. These little fish are native to the Amazon River Basin and, above all, are often seen in the wild in large groups that can number in the thousands. Therefore, the Neon Tetra is also suitable for community tanks, although its companions must not be big enough to see it as food.
Does Neon Tetra lives alone or in groups?
Neon Tetra must live in groups. Ideally, therefore, they should be kept in groups of at least 8 individuals.
3. Harlequin Rasbora (Trigonostigma heteromorpha)

Size: up to 2 inch;
Fish Tank Size: 10 gallon;
Care Level: Easy;
Temperament: Peaceful;
Temperature: 71 – 80 °F;
pH: 6.0 – 7.5;
The Harlequin Rasbora is another very peaceful fish to put in a small tank, as it’s resistant and also suitable for community tanks. As it doesn’t require special conditions in terms of water chemistry, the species can coexist with many other popular fish in the hobby including, for example, other small cyprinids, as well as tetras, viviparous, dwarf cichlids, corydoras and loaches.
Does Harlequin Rasbora lives alone or in groups?
The Harlequin Rasbora must live in groups. So, you should keep a group made up of at least 6 individuals so they can feel safe and comfortable.
4. Guppy (Poecilia Reticulata)

Size: up to 2 inch;
Fish Tank Size: 10 gallon;
Care Level: Easy;
Temperament: Peaceful;
Temperature: 64 – 82 °F;
pH: 7.0 – 8.0;
Guppies are very beautiful little fish and, like the bettas, it has a huge colors variety. Males are brightly colored, while females are more silvery. In addition, the species reproduces very easily, is quite resistant and ideal for beginners.
Does the Guppy lives alone or in groups?
Guppy must live in groups. So, you must keep a group of at least 4 fish, 1 male for every 3 females.
See Also:
5. Zebra Danio (Danio rerio)

Size: up to 1,5 inch;
Fish Tank Size: 10 gallon;
Care Level: Easy;
Temperament: Peaceful;
Temperature: 64 – 75 °F;
pH: 6.0 – 8.0;
Zebra Danio a very active and popular fish in the fish tank world, but it requires a little more space to swim than other fish on this list. In addition, the species is ideal for beginners, as it tolerates a wide range of water parameters. Because of its resistance, many use it to cycle new tanks, even if it’s not an ideal practice.
Does Zebra Danio lives alone or in groups?
Zebra Danio must live in groups. So, try to keep at least 5 fish of the species in the tank.
6. Gardneri Killifish (Fundulopanchax gardneri)

Size: up to 2,5 inch;
Fish Tank Size: 10 gallon;
Care Level: Easy;
Temperament: Peaceful;
Temperature: 71 – 77 °F;
pH: 6.0 – 7.0;
Gardneri Killifish aren’t as famous as some of the other fish on this list, but be aware that they’re quite easy to raise and have beautiful, vibrant colors. Like the Guppies, the Gardneri Killifish is ideal for both beginners and experienced aquarists, and breeds quite easily.
The only thing you need to be aware of when raising these fish is that they tend to jump, so the aquarium must have a tight fitting lid to prevent possible escapes.
See Also:
Does Gardneri Killifish lives alone or in groups?
Gardneri Killifish can be kept either alone or in groups. The ideal, however, is that you create a couple of the species.
7. Galaxy Rasbora (Danio margaritatus)

Size: up to 1 inch;
Fish Tank Size: 10 gallon;
Care Level: Moderate;
Temperament: Peaceful;
Temperature: 71 – 78 °F;
pH: 6.5 – 7.5;
Galaxy Rasbora is another undemanding small fish, but it will only thrive if its basic requirements are promptly met. Overall, the species is considered hardy, however, it requires soft and somewhat alkaline water. Also, he will not need a lot of space in the tank, as he isn’t a very active swimmer.
Does the Galaxy Rasbora lives alone or in groups?
The Galaxy Rasbora lives in groups. So, to keep them healthy and happy, you should add a minimum of 1 male and 3 females to the tank.
8. Bandit Cory (Corydoras metae)

Size: up to 2 inch;
Fish Tank Size: 10 gallon;
Care Level: Easy;
Temperament: Peaceful;
Temperature: 71 – 78 °F;
pH: 6.0 – 8.0;
The Bandit Cory is perfect to compose the bottom region of the tank. It can reach about 2 inch in length, loves to live in groups and, above all, has a very peaceful temperament.
Also, the recommendation to keep these fish healthy and happy is to have a densely planted tank with lots of hiding places.
Does Bandit Cory lives alone or in groups?
The Bandit Cory lives in groups. So, you must provide at least 3 fish of the species to add to your tank.
9. Sparkling Gourami (Trichopsis pumila)

Size: up to 1,5 inch;
Fish Tank Size: 5 gallon;
Care Level: Moderate;
Temperament: Peaceful;
Temperature: 77 – 82 °F;
pH: 6.0 – 7.0;
The Sparkling Gourami is an excellent fish to create, although it needs to be in a cycled tank with well-established parameters. The species can live very well in well-planted environments, but which contain many hiding places formed with logs, roots and plants.
Do Sparkling Gourami lives alone or in groups?
Because it’s considered quite shy, many people end up raising these fish in groups, but there is no need for this, as they can live peacefully alone.
See Also:
10. White Cloud Mountain Minnow (Tanichthys albonubes)

Size: up to 1,5 inch;
Fish Tank Size: 5 gallon;
Care Level: Easy;
Temperament: Peaceful;
Temperature: 44 – 69 °F;
pH: 6.0 – 8.0;
The White Cloud Mountain Minnow is another one of the many ideal fish for small tanks, as it’s very resistant and accepts a huge variety of water conditions. For example, to give you an idea, the species can be kept in tanks without heaters, as long as the temperature does not fall below 44 °F. In addition, he is a very peaceful fish and also ideal for community tanks.
Does White Cloud Mountain Minnow lives alone or in groups?
White Cloud Mountain Minnow must live in groups. So, if you want to breed them, it’s recommended that you purchase at least 6 specimens.
As we can see, there are countless beautiful fish that you can put in a small tank. However, when deciding to set up such an tank, it’s important to consider the needs of each species. After all, most of the time, success in raising fish is in your ability to analyze, assemble and monitor the ideal conditions that all of them need.
Finally, be aware that there are countless things you can do with a small tank, the only real limit is your imagination!
So, what did you think of our list of the 10 best fish to put in a small tank? Would you recommend any other species? Tell us here in the comments!