Can my fish see in the dark? In this article, we will take one of most common doubts of those who own a fish at home.
Due to digital photography advances, from time to time, horrifying images of creatures appear on our screens. These images show how weird life in the ocean can be.
In comparison to our tanks minnows, these deep-sea fish can cause a lot of fear when first seen. To make matters worse, these creatures are given scary names to match their appearance, such as goblin shark and black dragon fish, por example.
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Some of these animals can swim at depths of 2000 meters. The vision of some of them is so evolved that they can capture even the most elusive photons. About our aquarium fish, can they see in the dark?
Can My Goldfish See In The Dark?
Goldfish are very resistant fish and can adapt to several different habitats. However, night vision is not one of its best features.
These little fish enjoy ecosystems that have lots of light. However, they need a few hours of darkness to be able to retreat and rest in a comfortable place.
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However, some characteristics can be noticed in all these fish. They have rows of pressure-sensitive organs in lateral lines that run on each side of your body called neuromasts. Neuromasts allow fish to feel animals close to pressure changes in the water column.
This shows how fish can “see” or detect animals under water, where light penetration is low or at night, when everything gets dark.
But What About Betta Fish, Can They See In The Dark?
Betta fish are colorful and very famous in fishkeeping. In addition, they are often temperamental and aggressive under certain circumstances.
Like goldfish, bettas can adjust to periods of light and dark, but they like to rest when all lights are off.
Do Aquarium Fish Need Darkness?
The answer is quite simple: YES! During the dark period, your fish will likely find a quiet spot among the decorations to rest.
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However, their sleep patterns are not like those of humans. They can rest at any time, not just at night when it is dark.
Fish need periods of light and darkness because they need to rest and recover their energy after a whole day swimming in the fish tank, looking for food or partners.
Can my fish see in the dark? The answer is simply: No! However, they have other mechanisms to detect fish and objects inside the tank.
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