Have you ever wondered what the health benefits of an fish tank are? In this article we will help you to see the positives of having an tank at home.
Have you ever noticed a falm feeling or felt relaxed when you were near an fish tank? Perhaps the sound of the filter or the air pump will take you to a quiet place or help you to remove stressful thoughts that prowl your mind.
An fish tank can benefit your health in several ways. A study completed by the University of Plymouth showed that people who spend more time around fish tanks see an improvement in their physical and mental well-being. In addition to improving people’s mood, an aquarium can lower blood pressure, heart rate and countless other conditions.
Stress Reduction
Excessive competition and modern life have led to increased daily stress. This stress eventually leads to emotional and physical disturbances in your body. As much as stress is inevitable, you can keep it low or considered healthy.
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A good way to achieve this would be to introduce an fish tank in your living room. When you watch the fish move slowly or quickly in the water, you immediately experience a relaxing effect, which helps to calm the mind. Their movements are also hypnotic. This is significant, as it makes your mind comfortable and helps you forget your daily problems.
If you have suffered from stress and similar conditions, then you should invest in an fish tank and enjoy its benefits.
Pain Reduction
This is one of the main benefits of fish tanks, which isn’t known to many people. Fish help to reduce pain in the body. You may be wondering why some medical and dental offices have an aquarium.
In addition to making the place look more beautiful and attractive, most patients report that their pain has reduced after looking at an fish tank for just a few minutes.
The Plymouth University also found that if you have a child who suffers from anxiety, or even colic, an aquarium can play a very important role in reducing these problems. This may mean a few more hours of rest for you.

Provides a good night’s sleep
A fish tank can induce a relaxing effect on the entire body, which is especially true when it comes to babies. This allows them to sleep better at night. In addition, it’s well known that getting enough quality sleep at night allows an adult, or even children, to wake up with a feeling of freshness.
This can translate into more productivity during the day and quick response time at work. In addition, if you have quality sleep, your body can repair damaged tissue while rejuvenating the cells ready for the next day.
High Blood Pressure Reduction
Studies by the European Center for the Environment and Human Health at the Exeter University indicate that the presence of an fish tank at home can minimize blood pressure. There are some people who opt for an empty but highly decorated aquarium to enjoy its benefits.
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However, aquariums with vividly colored fish achieve better results. If the costs of setting up an fish tank are not within your reach, you can also watch videos of fish swimming to enjoy the relaxing benefits.

Increase Productivity
Even if you don’t have much space in your office or workplace, you can still have a small fish tank. In fact, you can consider buying a betta fish! Betta fish are easy to care for and have a huge variety colors that you can enjoy.
Just make sure to select a suitable location for your fish tank and one that has a clear line of sight for everyone. This will give people the opportunity to stand and watch for several minutes a day.
People in offices with fish tanks increased productivity compared to those who did not.
Helps Alzheimer’s Patients
Elderly people who suffer from this condition can benefit enormously from having an fish tank at home. Studies indicate that people with Alzheimer’s will eat more and will need less supplements if they spend a considerable amount of time around an fish tank.
These people will have aggressive behaviors minimized thanks to the relaxing effect of the aquariums.
Maintaining and managing a small fish tank at home is easy. Give it due care and attention, and your fish will live for years.
However, be sure to keep it clean, so that you have a clear view of the fish while they swim, with that, they will also feel happier. This will allow you to fully enjoy the therapeutic and health benefits of having an fish tank at home.
Original article published in getecoqube;