I wanted to fill you in on 10 awesome tank mates for Celestial Pearl Danio (Galaxy Rasbora). Check out the profile of each one of them!
The Cestial Pearl Danio or Galaxy Rasbora (Danio margaritatus) is a small fish native to Myanmar, a Southeast Asia country. The species has a very interesting color pattern, containing reddish fins with dark tones and a bluish body with several white spots scattered throughout it.
This fish is usually very easy to care and is a good choice for beginners, as it’s a peaceful animal and doesn’t need a lot of space to live. However, the Cestial Pearl Danio needs to be in the company of at least 6 other fish of the species to feel happy and comfortable.
But what are the main tank mates for Celestial Pearl Danio? In this post, I tried to separate some of the main species that can keep this little guy company. Hope to help you!
Top 10 Tank Mates For Celestial Pearl Danio / Galaxy Rasbora
Below, you can check some of the characteristics of the main tank mates for Celestial Pearl Danio.
1. Cherry Barb

- Care Level: Easy;
- Behavior: Peaceful;
- Fish Tank Size: 20 gallons for a group of 6 fish;
The Cherry Barb is an excellent tank mate for Celestial Pearl Danio, as it’s an animal that can tolerate a wide range of water conditions and tends to be quite peaceful.
The species, which doesn’t exceed 5 centimeter in length, doesn’t need large spaces to live. Also, like the Galaxy Rasbora, the Cherry Barb loves densely planted tanks.
2. Neon Tetra

- Care Level: Moderate;
- Behavior: Peaceful;
- Fish Tank Size: 10 gallons for a group of 8 fish;
The Neon Tetra is a very famous fish in the fishkeeping, although it’s not considered ideal for beginners. The species must be in groups of at least 8 fish and also likes planted tanks, as does the Galaxy Rasbora.
If you have a well-maintained tank with stable water parameters, Neon Tetra will thrive. However, if there are any changes, he’ll be the first to succumb. So keep an eye on the conditions of the tank to avoid problems.
See Also:
3. Corydoras

- Care Level: Easy;
- Behavior: Peaceful;
- Fish Tank Size: 23 gallons for a group of 6 fish;
There are several species of corydoras available to the hobbyist, and the vast majority of them are very easy to care.
Corydoras inhabit the bottom region of the tank and will always be swimming in groups. They are extremely peaceful and will leave the Rasbora Galaxy alone.
Remember to purchase high quality feed for bottom fish, as coridoras don’t just feed on other fish feed leftovers.
4. Ember Tetra

- Care Level: Easy;
- Behavior: Peaceful;
- Fish Tank Size: 13 gallons for a group of 10 fish;
The Ember tetra is a very small fish, not reaching more than 2 centimeter in length. The species gets its name from its bright orange color.
Like the Celestial Pearl Danio, the Ember Tetra is a very peaceful and easy to care fish. In addition, he also enjoys being in the company of others of his own kind. Therefore, it is interesting to keep a group of at least 10 fish in the tank.
5. Rummy Nose Tetra

- Care Level: Easy;
- Behavior: Peaceful;
- Fish Tank Size: 21 gallons for a group of 6 fish;
The Rummy Nose Tetra is a beautiful fish with a silver body and a reddish head. The species also doesn’t usually get very large, reaching up to a maximum of 5 cm in length.
In nature, he inhabits dark waters, with lots of vegetation and little or no current. At night, for example, th Rummy Nose Tetra likes to camouflage itself among decorations and plants, getting a very pale color, so that it goes unnoticed by predators.
These fish usually live well in community tanks and, therefore, can be kept without major problems with Celestial Pearl Danio.
6. Guppy

- Care Level: Easy;
- Behavior: Peaceful;
- Fish Tank Size: 10 gallons for 1 male and 3 female;
Guppy is a very famous fish in the Fishkeeping, as it has a wide variety of colors, is resistant and reproduces extremely easily.
The species is considered one of the easiest to care, although the aquarist needs to be careful with the amount of fish in the tank to avoid superpopulation. When in groups formed by males and females, the Guppy reproduces very easily and can leave the tank full of fish in a short time, disturbing the calm and peaceful environment that the Celestial Pearl Danio prefers.
Overall, they will be good tank mate, but it’s interesting to have lots of plants and hiding places for the fish to hide from time to time.
See Also:
7. Platy

- Care Level: Easy;
- Behavior: Peaceful;
- Fish Tank Size: 15 gallons for 1 male and 3 female;
Like the Guppy, the Platy is another fish that is easy to care and reproduce. The species accepts a wide range of water conditions and is therefore often recommended for beginners.
It’s interesting to note that Platy tends to be a little more agitated, and can disturb the atmosphere of the peaceful and calm Celestial Pearl Danio. As long as there’s room for the fish to swim and plenty of hiding places, you should have no problem raising them together.
8. Shrimps

- Care Level: Easy;
- Behavior: Peaceful;
- Fish Tank Size: 5 gallons for a group of 6 fish;
Fish aren’t the only tank mates for Celestial Pearl Danio, freshwater shrimp are also an excellent choice for composing a community tank.
Shrimp are peaceful, small and can be kept in large groups. They will spend most of their time combing through the tank plants, substrate, and decorations for algae and debris.
Want a great tank mate for the Celestial Pearl Danio? So choose shrimps!
9. Otocinclus Catfish

- Care Level: Easy;
- Behavior: Peaceful;
- Fish Tank Size: 10 gallons for a group of 4 fish;
The Otocinclus Catfish is a small freshwater fish very resistant, peaceful and ideal for beginners. The species can coexist with numerous other fish in the tanks, including the Celestial Pearl Danio.
You certainly won’t need much experience to care this fish, as it tolerates a wide variety of water conditions and will accept some mistakes made by beginners.
Like corydoras, the Otocinclus spends most of his time in the bottom region of the tank, searching food on decorations, substrate and plants.
In general, it’s an easy fish to care and will not cause any problems for the Celestial Pearl Danio, as it does not usually inhabit the same region of the tank.
10. Glowlight Tetra

- Care Level: Easy;
- Behavior: Peaceful;
- Fish Tank Size: 10 gallons for a group of 5 fish;
The Glowlight Tetra is one of the most peaceful fish out there in the Fishkeeping. In addition, the species adapts very well to the most different water parameters and, therefore, is one of the species that I most recommend for beginners.
The only thing you need to be aware of when keeping this fish with the Celestial Pearl Danio is that it doesn’t like very bright environments. So, you must use floating plants to reduce the incidence of light that enters the tank.
The Celestial Pearl Danio is a small and very peaceful fish. It can be kept in a wide variety of environments, but always prefers to be in densely planted tanks with low to moderate water flow.
The species is known for accepting a huge variety of water parameters, and therefore, it can coexist with different species of fish and invertebrates.
As long as its tank mates accept the same water conditions and aren’t too big to swallow it, the Celestial Pearl Danio will live in harmony with them all.