Author: Adriano Golob

The Ghost Shrimp (Macrobrachium jelskii) is an excellent invertebrate to have in the fish tank, if all settings and parameters are stable. They have a life expectancy of around 1 to 2 years, and can live even longer. Furthermore, for amateur aquarists, they can be an interesting addition to the tank. Just be careful not to place them with larger fish, as they can become irresistible meals. Ghost shrimps need to feel safe, that is, the tank needs to have many hiding places. You can keep several of these shrimp in a single tank, however, as long as they are…

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Does your aquarium have green water? In this article, we will give you some tips that can help you fix this problem once and for all. Do you know that nasty green water that can occasionally appear in your fish tank? Yes, it can be caused by an algae bloom. Algae, as we know, are aquatic plants and oddly enough there are more than 8,000 species present on Earth. Like other plants, they absorb energy and grow through photosynthesis, using sunlight or artificial light. However, the algae that occur most frequently in fish tanks are the dreaded green algae. See…

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The Common Elodea (Egeria densa) is one of the oldest and most recognized aquatic plants in fishkeeping. In fact, it is ideal for those just starting out, as it helps to easily set up biological balance in a new tank. These plants are originally from Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay. In addition, it prefers calm waters or with little flow. Egeria densa is a multi-year dioecious aquatic plant. In such a way that it grows with very quickly, with favorable conditions, can reach 2 meters in length or more. A plant has a verticalized stem, up to 5 meters long and…

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Nitrate poisoning affect your fish health and can kill him very quickly. Is there any treatment? How do I prevent it in my fish tank? Excess nitrates in water are often misunderstood by aquarists. Although much less toxic than Ammonia or Nitrite, high levels of nitrate – can kill your fish very quickly. Chemically, Nitrates are similar to Nitrites, in that both consist of molecules of Oxygen and Nitrogen. Nitrate is one of the natural by-products of fish digestive waste and can accumulate in an tank where there is no regular maintenance. See Also: 10 Reasons Why Your Fish May…

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What are the benefits of plants in the fish tank? They are important when it comes to a healthy and prosperous aquarium. Why Do Aquatic Plants Bring A Great Benefit To The Fish Tank? Firstly, aquatic plants are not only a natural decoration, but also have many chemical and physical benefits. In summary, they are important when it comes to a healthy and prosperous aquarium. They are generally recommended for both novice and experienced aquarists. Below, we will discuss the 6 main benefits of adding aquatic plants to your fish tank. Aquatic Plants Can Improve Chemical Filtration Plants in fish…

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Why are my fish dying? Is there anything I can do? In this article we will cover 10 reasons why your fish may be dying. We all ask ourselves: Why are my fish dying? In the world, the life expectancy of a fish that leaves a petshop store is generally no more than 3 – 4 weeks. Certainly, many of them die in a few days, or even in a few hours. Fish are the most badly treated pets in the world. Certainly, fish are more fragile animals than we are, but that does not mean that they should live…

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This article aims to provide information on the disposal and donation of ornamental fish. Every fish owner ends up facing the dilemma of how to discard or donate fish that are sick or that are causing problems in their fish tanks. Too often, desperate owners consider using the method of throwing them into the toilet. The bathroom is so simple, so fast and so effective, isn’t it? Maybe it isn’t! Did feelings of guilt or your children crying prevent you from throwing your fish in the toilet? Then this article is for you! In that case, you may have considered…

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Popeye or Bulging eye disease is known as exophthalmos, a condition in which the fish’s eyes become swollen or appear smoky or cloudy. It is not just because a fish has bulging eyes that it means that there is a problem with it. Some species of fish – such as the telescope goldfish – are appreciated by aquarists due to their large bulging eyes, which are perfectly normal and healthy. Sometimes, however, smoky, cloudy, and swollen eyes can indicate Popeye Disease. If you see one or more fish showing signs of this disease, it is likely that an infection is…

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Your fish need light so that they can live healthy and in harmony. Do you have any idea how much light is needed for the freshwater fish? You bought your fish tank, Cycled and now it’s time to put the fish. You turn on the lights and you are dazzled by that world of different colors. So, you ask yourself: How Long Should My Fish Tank Stay With The Lights On? It is generally recommended that the fish tank stay about 8 to 12 hours with the light on. This amount can vary depending on the species of fish you…

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The Otocinclus Catfish (Otocinclus Affinis) are known as algae eaters. Furthermore, these animals are some of the best algae eaters in the world. This species is very peaceful and ideal for novice aquarists, and can be placed with a huge variety of freshwater fish tanks. Particularly, you will not need much experience to care for them, as they are undemanding animals, tolerating a variety of conditions. However, if you can keep your fish tank always clean and perform periodic maintenance, this animal can live for up to 6 years. Furthermore, due to their size and peaceful behavior, Otocinclus Catfish are…

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